Monday, February 25, 2008

The Four Worlds

Isaiah 43:7: Even every one that is called by My Name (Atzilut): for I have created (Beriyah) them for my glory, I have formed them (Yetzirah); yea, I have made them (Asiyah).

The World of Emanation

This is the realm of pure spirit. The Universe of Atzilut represents a beginning. It is an abstract idea or desire not yet formulated. The process of emanation is one of concealment and revelation, i.e., the process of revealing the essence of that which had been concealed. The three lower worlds are all created realms.

Atzilut is derived from a word meaning "nearness". It is the nearest to Ein Sof, the Infinite Unknowable.

Fire is the element associated with Atzilut. White is the associated color. Atzilut is the pure garment of Being.

The soul of Chayah is associated with this world. Chayah, Living Soul, is beyond our grasp while we are alive. It surrounds us and influences us through our Neshamah (Higher Self).

The World of Creation

The Universe of Beriyah represents thought. This is a realm of distinctly willed creation. If the World of Emanation is Spiritual, then the World of Creation is cerebral. While in relation to its own state of reality the world of Atzilut is a world of "non-existence" (ayin), the world of Beriyah is one of "potential existence" (yesh). This is the world of yesh m'ayin, something from nothing.

This realm is associated with the color blue [indigo] and the element of air, the element most associated with the intellect.

This is the realm of the Throne-Chariot with its seven halls or palaces. The world of Beriyah is the realm of the archangels. It is also the spiritual abode of the seraphim ("fiery angels"). These are the angles that exclaim to God: "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts; the whole earth is full of God’s glory."

The neshamah soul-aspect is associated with this world. Neshamah, the Higher Self, is that part of us that is always spiritually connected. It is the source of inner wisdom. The Neshamah is the highest level that we can reach while in physical incarnation.

The World of Formation

The third world is that of Formation, Yetzirah. Formation is a bringing together of elements, rather than a creation from out of nothing. This is the world of yesh m'yesh, something from something.

Yetzirah is the highly psychic and emotionally charged world immediately behind the veil of material existence. Yetzirah is the unconscious mind. It is associated with the element of water. Its color is royal blue, which also suggests the color of deep water.

Yetzirah is the dynamic world of transition with "lower angels" carrying out the will of God from Beriyah to Asiyah. It is the chief domain of the angels, the chayot hakodesh, the living creatures."

Yetzirah is the realm of the Ego, the personal self, the Ruach soul. Ruach, the Moral Soul, is concerned with more than just our own physical needs and wants. It is the ability to truly understand the difference between right and wrong.

The World of Action

The Universe of Asiyah is the abstract idea brought into manifestation. It is represented by the element of earth. Its color is red (scarlet), the color of earth (adama) and the color of blood.

Asiyah is enlivened by nefesh, the vital principle, a soul-element possessed by plants as well as animals. Nefesh, the Vital Soul, is the lowest level of the soul. It is that part which keeps the physical body animated and alive, and as a result, its main concern is only with one's physical needs.

Asiyah is the abode of Samael, the Blind One, the husband of Lilith. It is also the world of the Ophanim.

Four Worlds Comparative Table

World: Atzilut
Name: Emanation
Represents: Pure Will
Element: Fire
Color: White
Soul: Chayah

World: Beriyah
Name: Creation
Represents: Thought
Element: Air
Color: Light Blue
Soul: Neshamah

World: Yetzirah
Name: Formation
Represents: Emotion
Element: Water
Color: Royal Blue
Soul: Ruach

World: Asiyah
Name: Action
Represents: Physical Reality
Element: Earth
Color: Red
Soul: Nefesh

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