Thursday, January 17, 2008

Tarot: The Star of David Spread

The Star of David, also known as the Shield of David, is a hexagram; a six-sided star. During the middle ages, it was used by Kabbalists as the Seal of Solomon. The symbol itself has many meanings and it is one of those meanings that is presented below.

[On the sixth day,] God said: 'Let us make Man in our image, after our likeness. And God created Man in the image of God. And God blessed them.’

God [Yud-Hay] created Man in God’s Image [Beit-Yud]. In the Image of God, male [Beit-Vav] and female [Beit-Hay] God created them [Lamed-Beit].

In Me [Beit-Yah], in him [Beit-Vav], in her [Beit-Hay], one heart [Lamed-Beit].

Let Us make Man in Our image…in the image of heaven and the heavenly hosts, which are fire and water.

Eve’s Hebrew name, Chava, is derived from Chai, which means life. Eve retains the spiritual essence of Man. Adam, whose name derives from Adamah (earth) and Adom (red), retains the physical essence of Man. Adam and Eve were thus born Man as compliments to one another.

And Adam and Eve disobey God and are expelled from the Garden. They are bound together by Eternal decree and must rely upon one another for food and sustenance and upon God’s favor for rain.

And it shall come to pass if you surely listen to the commandments
that I command you today, to love the Lord your God,
and to serve God with all your heart and all your soul,

That I will give rain to your land, the early and the late rains,
that you may gather in your grain, your wine and your oil.

And I will give grass in your fields for your cattle and you will eat and you will be satisfied. [1]

They are bound together by Eternal decree and must rely upon one another for food and sustenance.

Vav signifies that they are joined (bound together). Gimel implies the sacrifice they must each make to one another to survive. Lamed represents the things that they must teach and learn from one another. Samech is the support they must give one another. Zayin is the planting for sustenance and the sowing of the seeds of their relationship. And the foundation of it all is the faith [Nun] in God.

The Star of David Spread is used to determine specific, predictive outcomes. The seven cards are laid out in the order and pattern illustrated below.

The meaning of the cards is as follows:

1. Past Event

2. Present

3. Immediate Future

4. Base of the Matter

5. Opportunity

6. Limitation

7. Final Outcome

[1] Deuteronomy 11:13

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